Members of Foot Anstey's Commercial and Dispute Resolution teams volunteered for FareShare South West on two separate days to support the charity in tackling food poverty.
FareShare South West forms part of the UK's largest food charity, FareShare. Since its inception in 2007 FareShare South West has strived to tackle food poverty in the South West by redistributing surplus food across the region.
Both teams at Foot Anstey used the firm's CSR hour initiative, which enables employees to volunteer for causes close to their hearts and give back to local communities that are located close to the firm's offices.
The Commercial team spent the day picking and packing food for redistribution to schools and community groups. The team went through boxes of donated food to gather everything from dried pasta, tinned peas and sweets to broccoli, ready-meals and yoghurts to fulfil dozens of orders to be delivered in FareShare's fleet of vans.
Foot Anstey's Dispute Resolution team had an energetic day picking food from the warehouse and chiller to meet orders placed by FareShare's members.
Rachel Griffith, Solicitor in Foot Anstey's Commercial team said: "We ended the day smiling, a little sore, but completely buzzing from the day's work. We learnt so much more about food inequality in the UK and about seamlessly collaborating with each other. We relished in the opportunity to use our CSR hours to give our support to a charity which benefits so many in the South West region"
Gena Ritchie, Trainee Solicitor in Foot Anstey's Dispute Resolution team said: "Suffice to say we were all exhausted by the end of the day, but it was certainly worth it. We all got a lot from the experience, not just in terms of giving something back to the community but also by having fun working together as a team outside of the usual day job."
James Gliddon, Partner at Foot Anstey, commented: "Like other teams, we have been looking for the opportunities to get together more often and using the CSR day(s) was a really rewarding way of doing so – whilst, hopefully, making a difference to a super charity in our region whose support is sadly needed more than ever."
To find out more about how Foot Anstey supports its local communities please visit: https://www.footanstey.com/about/our-communities/
Editors contacts
James Grice – [email protected] or +44 117 9154982