SOUTH WEST disruptor index DisruptSW has unveiled this year's list featuring the businesses which are addressing diversity challenges within the South West's tech teams and the technology sector.
This is the third year DisruptSW has indexed innovative companies based in the region. The index recognises firms taking a new approach to existing problems. It is backed by Top 100 law firm Foot Anstey, and specialist recruiters ADLIB.
ADLIB managing director Nick Dean said: "We strongly believe changes need to be made to the way businesses attract, recruit and retain diverse talent.
"Our mission is to reposition the tech skills gap as a massive opportunity for diversity and inclusion.
"Building diverse and inclusive teams is proven to bring multiple benefits. From brand perception and increasing candidate attraction, bridging hard-to-find skill gaps, increasing staff retention and driving better business performance."
The Diversity Edition index has been collated and curated based on nominations from key influencers and participators in the region's tech and innovation space.
The South West is emerging as a world leading hub for technology and innovation. We're focusing on those businesses that are tackling the sector's diversity issues head on. There are a wealth of businesses who are thinking differently about this problem and turning it into an opportunity.
Martin Cuell, Head of Technology and Partner at Foot Anstey
The index was launched to coincide with Bristol Technology Festival and can be found at DisruptSW.
For further information and interview requests, please contact:
Thomas Ash at Foot Anstey – [email protected]/0117 915 4976
Sabrina Walls at ADLIB - [email protected]/0117 926 9530