Are you ready for long Covid? What employers need to know.
Our Employment Team, in conjunction with Liberty HR Recruitment, recently hosted a panel discussion focused on what employers need to know about long Covid and the implications for your business.

In May, Foot Anstey's Employment Team, in conjunction with Liberty HR Recruitment, hosted a panel discussion looking at the implications of long Covid for employers. It provided an opportunity to learn about long Covid from those who are suffering with it and to hear from a renowned expert in this emerging field, Dr David Strain.
A recording of this session is now available as well as a summary article of the key points raised.
Why should I care about long Covid as an employer?
Long Covid is so new that, even now, there is no clear definition as to what it is and how it affects people. Yet according to a recent ONS survey over the four-week period up to 6 March 2021, an estimated 1.1 million people in the UK reported experiencing long Covid.
Out of those who had self-reported long Covid, 697,000 first had (or suspected they had) Covid-19 twelve weeks previously and 70,000 first had (or suspected they had) Covid-19 at least one year previously.
- Would that make it a disability?
- How do you know if your employees are suffering from long Covid?
- What are the symptoms?
- How is it diagnosed?
- How long will it last?
- Can it be treated and if so how?
- What support is available?
- What adjustments can be made in the workplace?
There are so many unknowns about this debilitating illness that it can be incredibly difficult to manage in the workplace and support employees who are suffering or caring for those who are suffering.
Getting employers on the front foot
This insightful session included:
- Panel discussion with sufferers of long Covid: what it is and individual experiences.
- Dr David Strain: thoughts and opinion.
- Practical guidance for supporting employees and legal implications.
- Q&A session.
If you have any queries regarding the event, or would like more information on how long Covid issues might be affecting your employees, please contact us.