Review your workforce
Consider how your current workforce is made up and the extent to which you rely on self-employed contractors. If you are utilising the self-employed, are these individuals engaged in their personal capacity, through a PSC or via an agency? It will be important to assess the extent to which the IR35 provisions will impact on your ongoing recruitment processes so that you can amend the same to ensure future compliance.
If you are currently engaging any contractors who provide their services (whether directly to you or via an agency) through an intermediary and will continue to provide their services beyond 6 April 2021, you will need to now consider the nature of the relationship and prepare a formal status determination statement. A copy of this should then be provided to the individual worker, the PSC and the entity with whom you contract in respect of the services.
It may also be necessary to renegotiate payment rates to account for any increase associated with having to make payment of tax and NICs (and the apprenticeship levy where applicable). The sooner you are able to assess your current engagements therefore, the better.